Heather has been waiting over twenty years to steal the name Seven from George Costanza, and now she finally has her chance.

Writing has been a treasured refuge of hers for years, and recently she made the decision to quit her job as a business analyst and make the refuge home. She likes orderliness (business analyst), but she likes a little chaos more.

Heather is querying her debut novel, a character-driven dark fantasy with Lovecraftian elements. She promises her readers two things in all her writing endeavors: first, the dog lives, and second, childfree characters don’t change their minds (we’ve had enough of those two tropes, right?)

Heather lives in Texas with her husband, their anxious Great Pyrenees and German Shepherd Dog mix, Sif Uno Jeanne d’Bark (pictured), and their cross-eyed cat, Cleocatra.